Underwater noise
The impact of underwater noise has aroused increasing attention in recent years. The Marine Directive 2008/56 / CE b> and the Marine Strategies are a great step forward in preserving marine biodiversity from anthropogenic levels that can adversely affect them..
Bibliographical resources
We know in depth and put to your disposition bibliographical material on noise.
• Guides for underwater noise monitoring.
• Current national and international regulations.
• Documentation of projects of interest.
• Link to relevant organizations.
Free training pills and advanced courses in online and blended modalities..
• Bases of underwater noise.
• The noise in environmental legislation. Know the Marine Directive.
• National programs for the monitoring of underwater noise (D11).
• Techniques for underwater noise monitoring (D11).
• Instrumentation for hydroacoustics. Equipment management.
CTN is the reference in the environmental impact of underwater noise for the main agents of the sector
Advisory services
We can contribute to your projects with our extensive experience working with noise.
• Design of underwater noise monitoring campaigns
• Processing and interpretation of noise data. (D11).
• Underwater noise propagation models.
• Mitigation measures for underwater noise pollution.
Our work

Programme design
We have realized programs and follow-up of submarine noise (D11) for the marine strategies.

Advice to research centers
We are an international reference in the field of underwater noise (D11)

Calculation of indicators
We have participated in the definition of the indicators for impulsive sound and continuous sound.

Development of algorithms
We have programmed software for the detection of cetaceans according to D11 (detectors of whistles, clicks and low frequency tones)

Processing and interpretation of data
We elaborate studies of environmental impact of the underwater noise in works of installation of submarine cables, dredgings and construction of ports.

How can we help you?