European Cataogue of Sound Signatures

ECoSS Project

The project ECoSS (European Catalogue of Sound Signatures)  is dedicated to constructing and validating an open library comprising a curated and continually expanding digital repository of sound signatures from marine underwater soundscapes in shallow seas.
It aligns with the objectives outlined in the EU's Open Science Policy, the INSPIRE (Infrastructure for Spatial Information in Europe) Directive, and the FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) data principles. A more comprehensive understanding of the diverse signatures of underwater sound sources is imperative to effectively link recorded sounds to their emitting sources and characterizing the anthropogenic sound pressure within a specific area.
Through the utilization of Deep Learning (DL) methodologies, the project aims to streamline the process of constructing the open library while ensuring its scalability and effectiveness in addressing critical environmental challenges. (Funded under CINEA/CD(2022)5010/PP/SI2.899121).
The companies that are contributing to this project are Marine Technology Centre (CTN), ETT S.p.A., International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES), On AIR srl, SAES, S.M.E., Shom, SMHI and Witteveen+Bos.

Predefined agenda









Date and time

10:00h – 14:00h
December 2


European Committee of Regions (CoR)